Paul Saunders Marketing

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Time for Marketing?

Too busy for marketing?

Ever get that nagging feeling that you should be doing something but haven’t? Of course, you do; we all do. For business, marketing is one of those things, something that you know you should do but just don’t have the time to do it. In reality, you are probably too busy running your business to think about marketing.

Get Marketing Support

We help many local businesses in Glasgow, Stirling, Falkirk and Loch Lomond & Trossachs manage their marketing workload. Typically, we start a project with a business review and seek opportunities to improve customer communication, identify ways to reach potential new customers, and take an overview of current operations and performance. Often we discover ways to save money which help subsidise our marketing support - Read more.

Making Time Yourself

If you’re reading this and want to take on the marketing work yourself, here are some recommendations, considering that you are probably pressed for time.

  1. Define your message - what problem do you solve for your customers? What makes you different and better? How do you define what you do clearly and concisely?

  2. Get the basics right - make sure your website and everything else that promotes you are up to date. Don’t do anything new until you have everything currently there up to date.

  3. Decide what is essential - you can’t do everything, look at your time/resources, where are your customers online? Decide on the channels and methods that are achievable.

  4. Come up with some goals, plan activities, schedule time, and allocate resources.

  5. Review performance against the investment, then adjust as necessary and repeat.


Based in Loch Lomond, Paul Saunders Marketing works with clients throughout Scotland, providing marketing consultancy and creative digital media for businesses, charities and organisations of all sizes.

Services include marketing, commercial photography, brand design, website design, video production and social media, events & PR. Call Paul on 01360 661029 or get in touch via the contact page to find out more.

I hope you have found this blog helpful! If you would like any advice about getting marketing support or making time for marketing do get in touch.