Paul Saunders Marketing

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Cruise Loch Lomond

For many years, we have enjoyed working on filming and photography projects for Cruise Loch Lomond. This article goes behind the scenes on a recent assignment by the cruise company to create a series of videos to promote their impressive fleet of boats and extensive range of cruises.

A red marker on the map below shows the boatyard and base of Cruise Loch Lomond at Tarbet, towards the north of Loch Lomond. Their cruises and water busses run from May to October, with services from and to Tarbet, Inversnaid, Luss, Balmaha, Rowardennan and Inchcailloch Island.

See this map in the original post

The Project

As part of the project, we updated the library of photographs they use on social media, in brochures and on social media. We did this whilst also capturing video footage to show the fleet in action and the boats' locations.

We had enormous fun using a combination of the land, water and the sky to photograph and film their cruises on Loch Lomond.

Drone Filming

I worked on this project with Jamie from Blue Giraffe Imaging (pictured above concentrating hard!), a highly skilful drone pilot. We have worked together on several projects, many of which have been on boats!

We were onboard one of the Cruise Loch Lomond boats with Stuart Cordner, one of the company's owners. The aim was to create a synchronisation and pattern between all boats.

We created several different formations for the fleet. You can see one sketched out below! Stuart did a great job on the radio coordinating the fleet.

Final Films

It was exciting using the width of Loch Lomond one quiet evening during sunset to try and space out a fleet of boats. Somehow we managed it, in no small way due to the great work of the skippers on the different boats whose timing was excellent. We went through many sequences and shots, using Ben Lomond as the backdrop. Not a bad way to spend a pleasant summer's evening!

This film (above) promotes the series of cruises and water bus services operated by Cruise Loch Lomond. Although you can see the different formations, the first one you see on the video required us to use the entire width of the loch, with all the boats in a line!

They have used this film to promote their services to tour operators worldwide, encouraging them to come to Loch Lomond and for their customers to experience a cruise.

The film below is specific to one of their cruises a circular one from Balmaha, an example of the short films we made for each of the cruises. These short films are used alongside ticket information on the Cruise Loch Lomond website to show people booking them what they can expect.

Promotional Photography

Here are some examples from the photography library that we provided to Cruise Loch Lomond for use on their website, social media and brochures.

A big thank-you to Cruise Loch Lomond for a fascinating project. Special thanks to Jamie from Blue Giraffe Imaging for his expertise in aerial filming. We love working on tourism projects like this in Scotland.


Based in Loch Lomond, Paul Saunders Marketing works with clients throughout Scotland, providing marketing consultancy and creative digital media for businesses, charities and organisations of all sizes.

Services include marketing, commercial photography, brand design, website design, video production and social media, events & PR. Call Paul on 01360 661029 or get in touch via the contact page to find out more.

I hope you have found this behind the scenes of a Cruise Loch Lomond shoot interesting, please let us know if you would like photography/video for your business.